Be smart. Be safe.
The crime rate in Sherwood Forrest is quite low in comparison to other areas of the city. To keep our streets safe, be sure to report any suspicious or out of the ordinary activities. That’s why it really helps to get to know your neighbours! Also use common sense when it comes to taking care of your valuables and locking your doors (including your car) to keep any opportunistic burglars at bay.
Sherwood Forrest is serviced by 11 Division located across from Erindale High School at 3030 Erin Mills Parkway. For non-emergency inquiries call (905) 453-3311 or visit their website. You can also view Peel Police’s crime map.
Each year in Ontario 100 people die and thousands more are injured as a result of fire, most of which are preventable. The key to fire safety is to learn and practice the three lines of defence: fire prevention, detection and escape. For more information, visit the Mississauga Fire and Safety Services website.
Safe City Mississauga works closely with the police, the city and other agencies to deliver youth and neighbourhood programs, events and awareness campaigns to make Mississauga a safer community. For more information, visit their website.
Other Community Links
Mississauga Movies - Cineplex - Square 1
Mississauga Weather
Oakville Movies - Cineplex Winston Churchill
Real Estate Website
Roc n Docs
Rogues Restaurant
The Pump
Village Spa
Waste Management - Schedule
Waste Management - What's allowed
Important Phone Numbers
Bell Canada: 310-2355
CAA: 1-800-263-8389
Community Information: 2-1-1
Credit Valley Hospital 905- 813-2200
Emergency: 9-1-1
Fire (non-emergency): 905-845-7114
GO Transit: 1-888-438-6646
Halton Government Services: 3-1-1
Mississauga Central Library 905 615-3500
Mississauga Taxi 1 905 271-4444
Mississauga Transit 3-1-1
Parking Consideration: 905-338-4394
Poison Information: 1-800-268-9017
Police (Halton) Non-Emergency (24 hrs): 905-878-5511
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
Toronto Airport Limo Taxi 1-800-268-0905
United Taxi: 905-338-0044